1. 浮点运算次数:HPC环境通常以每秒浮点运算次数(FLOPS)加以度量. 目前有一个正不断发展的计算社群,他们所关注的并非每秒的运算次数而是每月或者每年的运算次数. 他们所面对的问题规模相当大. 他们更关心的是在一段比较长的时间内到底可以完成多少任务而不是某一项任务究竟能多快完成.
2. 浮点运算:GPU: 透过选购 FX1700 与 3700 提供选购绘图处理卡: 动态增加浮点运算 (FLOPS) 数量; 在伺服器层级进行完整的绘图转译作业
3. 浮点运算数:主要功能包括更大的向量运算、频宽自128位扩大到256位,能将最大每秒浮点运算数(FLOPS)输出量提升两倍. 可以强化资料重整(datarearrangement)功能,可以更有效地提取资料,且三运算域(threeoperand)和非破坏性语法(non-destructivesyntax).
4. flops:floating – point operation per second; 每秒浮点运算次数
1. flops的翻译
1. Investors would be able to hedge against potential flops by preselling a share of future box office receipts.
2. Madonna is working on a script for a new movie project, despite previously appearing in a string of cinematic flops.
3. flops
3. Indian cricketers face adulation like movie stars, but face regular criticism from fans who often react violently if the team flops.
4. Actress Charlize Theron joked the Hollywood heartthrob was to blame for one of Will Smith's box office flops.
5. But the role would come with intense pressure, as blame could be placed on the newcomer if the revamped show flops.
6. An unscientific look at the biggest tech blunders ever, plus products before their time and potential flops of tomorrow.
7. But flops are also about lofty expectations dashed and high profiles brought low.
8. flops的翻译
8. But all three of these projects turned out to be huge flops.
9. The report drew wide attention in a nation that craves for football success despite a long list of flops in international tournaments.
10. Disney's new film John Carter is being called one of Hollywood's biggest flops.