
flop [flɒp]  [flɑ:p] 








flop 基本解释

不及物动词(指书、戏剧等)彻底失败; (因疲惫而)猛然坐下; (笨拙地、不由自主地或松弛地)移动或落下; 砸锅




flop 相关例句



1. The criminal flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy.

2. He flopped down into a chair.

3. The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.


1. He fell with a flop into the water.

2. The play was a flop.

flop 网络解释


1. 翻牌:(因为他在看自己牌之前已经投了10元) 翻牌(flop) 翻牌前大家都投注后,庄家就发出三张公共牌,这叫翻牌. 接着第二轮赌博开始,庄家左边的第一个玩家只要还在圈中,就要第一个表态,跟第一轮赌博不一样的是,

2. 浮点运算:运算速度为3.8G次浮点运算(FLOP)每秒. 主要负责COIS数据处理和根据星跟踪仪和惯性动量距进行飞船所需的指向数据的计算. ORASIS处理后的数据,存储在容量为48Gb的星上固态数据记录仪(SSDR)里,供以后由速率为150Mbps的X波段下行线路向地面站传输.

3. (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败:put one's foot in one's mouth 祸从口出 | flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败 | The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去看.

4. flop:floating – point operation; 浮点运算

5. flop:floating octal point; 浮点八进制

flop 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 猛然坐下;重重地坐下
    If you flop into a chair, for example, you sit down suddenly and heavily because you are so tired.

    e.g. Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet...
    e.g. She flopped, exhausted, on to a sofa.

2. 凌乱地垂下;猛落下
    If something flops onto something else, it falls there heavily or untidily.

    e.g. The briefcase flopped onto the desk...
    e.g. His hair flopped over his left eye.

3. 彻底失败;惨败
    If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful.

    e.g. It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.

4. flop是什么意思

4. 彻底失败;惨败
    If something flops, it is completely unsuccessful.

    e.g. The film flopped badly at the box office.

flop 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The first casualty of Australia's Asian Cup flop is coach Graham Arnold with officials confirming they were conducting an international search to find a replacement.

2. The flop prompted Swimming Australia to back an independent probe into the debacle, with federation chief executive Kevin Neil stepping down in November.

3. flop的反义词

3. " Speechless " in large font even appeared on one front page in response to China's perennial flop on the international stage.

4. "'The Jay Leno'show is a huge flop, " Berman said.

5. The Jazz thought it was a flop but Billups got the call and sank 2 of 3 free throws to tie the score at 99.

6. Wang believed the bureau's mistake caused his patent to flop since people who might have been interested in his invention could not reach him.

7. A lot of Chinese men I see just seem to flop their mop over their head and pray that it doesn't get windy.

8. flop在线翻译

8. In a bid to avoid another flop Jiang has since ensured films are released the same time as in China.

9. It was hugely expensive and considered a flop but was ultimately nominated for best picture and won four Oscars.

10. Even a win might not be enough for them to qualify and escape another disaster after their Euro 2008 flop.

flop 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. the act of throwing yourself down

    e.g. he landed on the bed with a great flop

    Synonym: collapse

2. flop

2. a complete failure

    e.g. the play was a dismal flop

    Synonym: bust fizzle

3. someone who is unsuccessful

    Synonym: dud washout

4. an arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers

    e.g. this computer can perform a million flops per second

    Synonym: floating-point operation


1. fall suddenly and abruptly

2. fall loosely

    e.g. He flopped into a chair

3. flop的解释

3. fail utterly

    e.g. The project foundered

    Synonym: fall through fall flat founder


1. exactly

    e.g. he fell flop on his face

    Synonym: right

2. with a flopping sound

    e.g. he tumbled flop into the mud
