
flock [flɒk]  [flɑ:k] 







flock 基本解释

名词兽群,鸟群; 群众; 棉束; 大堆,大量



flock 相关例句



1. Birds of a feather flock together.

2. It rarely happened that people in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.


1. A flock of wild geese flew overhead.

2. A flock of customers waited for the store to open.

flock 网络解释

1. 一群:助记:飞在边缘(edge)是小鸟(fledging),飞入湖(lake)中是雪花(flake),飞在空中(air)是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑(aunt)在炫耀(flaunt),锁(lock)到一起是一群(flock),飞出去(out)就遭到蔑视(),后(late)飞来的却在溜须拍马(flatter),

2. 群:助记:飞在边缘(edge)是小鸟(fledging),飞入湖(lake)中是雪花(flake),飞在空中(air)是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑(aunt)在炫耀(flaunt),锁(lock)到一起是一群(flock),飞出去(out)就遭到蔑视(),后(late)飞来的却在溜须拍马(flatter),

3. 羊群:由Proper Games工作室制作的次时代可爱类模拟经营游戏<<羊群>>(FLOCK)即将在2009年登场. 该作将登陆PS3, Xbox 360, PC平台. 玩家要扮演外星人来养羊,有点造物主的意思.

4. 成群结队:从前有只小苍蝇(fly),它凭着本能(flair)在空中(air)畏畏缩缩(flinch)的飞了一英寸(inch),这时候远处有一群锁在一起(lock)的东西成群结队(flock)的飞来,小苍蝇定睛一看,原来是一群争相炫耀(flaunt)的姑姑(aunt).

flock 词典解释

1. flock

1. (鸟、羊)群
    A flock of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them.

    e.g. They kept a small flock of sheep...
    e.g. They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.

2. 成群结队;一大群
    You can refer to a group of people or things as a flock of them to emphasize that there are a lot of them.

    e.g. These cases all attracted flocks of famous writers.
    e.g. ...his flock of advisers.

3. 蜂拥;群集
    If people flock to a particular place or event, a very large number of them go there, usually because it is pleasant or interesting.

    e.g. The public have flocked to the show...
    e.g. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film...

4. flock的反义词

4. (到牧师所在教堂做礼拜或属于其辖区的)全体教徒,教众群体
    A clergyman's flock is the group of Christians who come to his church or live in the area that he has responsibility for.

flock 单语例句

1. The flooding came on a weekend during the busy summer tourist season, when thousands of visitors a day flock to the canyon.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. And as the first chiru little larger than a spaniel of a flock was seen, a buzz went through the coach.

3. But even Winfrey was not immune to the dips in ratings that have plagued broadcasters as viewers flock to specialty programming on cable.

4. Hundreds of couples in Guangzhou each year flock to wed on the day, which in the lunar calender falls on December 21 or 22.

5. The market situation is chaotic as people flock to invest in stables and ranches without the expertise or even doing market surveys.

6. flock在线翻译

6. Any transfers of birds from the afflicted flock have been banned, previous transfers of poultry have been checked and the turkey flock has been tightly sealed.

7. A path next to the greenhouse leads to an orchard with plum and cherry trees, melon patches in between and a flock of sheep grazing peacefully throughout.

8. Thousands of Shandong Province locals flock to the beach city for some sunshine, beer and Qingdao's famous local dish of spicy clams.

9. A village near Dalian has become a home away from home for a flock of rare Oriental White Storks.

10. Admiring crowds flock to the handsome, rich and talented guru whenever he appears in public.

flock 英英释义


1. a group of birds

2. a group of sheep or goats

    Synonym: fold

3. flock

3. a church congregation guided by a pastor

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. an orderly crowd

    e.g. a troop of children

    Synonym: troop

5. flock

5. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    e.g. a batch of letters
           a deal of trouble
           a lot of money
           he made a mint on the stock market
           see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
           it must have cost plenty
           a slew of journalists
           a wad of money

    Synonym: batch deal good deal great deal hatful heap lot mass mess mickle mint mountain muckle passel peck pile plenty pot quite a little raft sight slew spate stack tidy sum wad


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. come together as in a cluster or flock

    e.g. The poets constellate in this town every summer

    Synonym: cluster constellate clump

2. flock

2. move as a crowd or in a group

    e.g. Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears
