floating rate

floating rate [ˈfləʊtɪŋ reit]  [ˈflotɪŋ ret] 

floating rate 基本解释


floating rate 网络解释


1. 浮动汇率:2.浮动汇率(floating rate) 自由浮动(free floating)指货币当局对汇率上下浮动不采取任何干预措施,汇率完全随外汇市场供求变化而自由涨落. 它是一种纯理论分析,事实上并不存在. 管理浮动(managed floating)指货币当局以各种不同的方式来干预与影响汇率的变动.

2. 浮动利率:一般上,汽车贷款利率与银行基贷利率无关,因而房屋贷款随著基贷浮动利率(floating rate)下调而调低时,以固定利率(fixed rate)计算的汽车贷款也享受不到这个好处.

3. 浮动比率:treasury bills 国库券 | floating-rate 浮动比率 | fixed-rate 固定比率

4. 浮动利率;浮动汇率:floating profit 浮动利润 | floating rate 浮动利率;浮动汇率 | floating rate bond 浮息债券

floating rate 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The central bank also pledged to further improve the managed floating exchange rate regime of renminbi.

2. China moved to a managed floating exchange rate regime on July 1, 2005 which was based on market supply and demand and referencing a basket of currencies.

3. floating rate的意思

3. The controlled floating exchange rate system looks more like a fixed exchange rate system.

4. Rural credit cooperatives were allowed to take advantage of floating rate policies to set a more favorable loan interest rate for farmers.

5. He spoke highly of China's measures in narrowing its currency exchange rate floating range, which has proved to be an effective way to overcome the crisis.

6. China launched financial and monetary reforms and introduced a floating RMB exchange rate regime in line with its stage of economic development.

7. China meanwhile promised a gradual reform and argued that the country's fragile financial system cannot yet handle the volatility of a freely floating exchange rate.

8. China affirmed yesterday its intention to enhance the flexibility and strengthen the role of market forces in its managed floating exchange rate regime.

9. It moved to a managed " floating " exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to several currencies.

10. floating rate的意思

10. China says it has adopted a managed and floating exchange rate regime that reflects demand and supply.
