








flinches 基本解释
退缩,畏惧( flinch的第三人称单数 );
flinches 网络解释

1. 退缩:scratches抓伤 | flinches退缩 | is scared to death怕得要死.

flinches 双语例句

1. She puts her hand on his arm and he flinches away.


2. My deep understanding, therefore flinches repeatedly.

3. Imagines is with difficulty he is not difficult flinches because of the future, but is accepts the destiny by the positive manner the challenge.


4. Ms Gereb does not face that fate—and she flinches modestly at any comparison to the great man.

5. I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above.

6. But the author flinches from condemning even the most lamentable mistakes outright.

7. RESULTS: Intrathecally administered WIN 55, 212-2, bupivacaine, or their combination produced a dose-dependent decrease in thenumber of flinches during Phase 1 and 2 of the formalin test.
    结果:鞘内注射 WIN 55,212-2、布比卡因或二者混合液可在福尔马林试验的1期和2期产生剂量依赖的退缩数量减少。

8. Anyone flinches a step back in face of me though I march snail-paced.

9. 14 Mumbai, India: A man flinches as an ear-cleaner scrapes matter from his ear on a street.

10. Flinch she puts her hand on his arm and he flinches away.

11. And when his father raises his hand, he flinches.

12. The brave man never flinches from danger.


13. Korea: If the Chinese team ever flinches

flinches 单语例句

1. She harps on penmanship in that unforgiving New York accent and flinches at the sight of a barrette in a female student's hair.
