
fledgeling ['fledʒlɪŋ]  ['fledʒlɪŋ] 

fledgeling 基本解释


fledgeling 网络解释


1. 小鸟,无经验的人:clip 简短,修剪 | fledgeling 小鸟,无经验的人 | flake 雪花

2. 刚长毛的鸟:fledgeless 羽毛未丰的 | fledgeling 刚长毛的鸟 | fledging 雏鸟

3. 刚长毛的鸟/初出茅芦者:fledged /羽毛长齐的/快会飞的/随时能飞的/ | fledgeling /刚长毛的鸟/初出茅芦者/ | fledging /羽毛初长的雏鸟/刚会飞的幼鸟/无经验的人/

4. 初出茅芦者:fledgeling 刚长毛的鸟 | fledgeling 初出茅芦者 | fledgingfledgling 无经验的人

fledgeling 双语例句


1. Programs available in source for fledgeling hackers to read and tinker with.
    供他们阅读和努力的大型程式的 source 数量很少。

2. China's fledgeling sovereign wealth fund has lost about 20 per cent on its maiden investment in Blackstone – but this is small beer.

3. Finding good code to read used to be hard, because there were few large programs available in source for fledgeling hackers to read and tinker with.
    要找到好的程式码来看是很一件很困难的事,因为,对菜鸟 hacker 们而言,适於供他们阅读和努力的大型程式的 source 数量很少。

4. China yesterday signalled it was prepared to accept foreign private equity groups, following last week's introduction of a law to encourage its fledgeling domestic private equity industry.

5. Nor would I wish to crush a fledgeling creative spark that may produce something much better later, when such a spark is often so difficult to keep alight.

6. First, the People's Bank of China is transferring funds to China Investment Corp, the fledgeling sovereign wealth fund with a $200bn kitty.


7. That would at least go some ways to explaining why zuck himself is on the fledgeling social network.

8. China Merchants has much to fear from foreigners, as the bank is defending its dominance of the country's fledgeling credit card and personal wealth markets, businesses it invested in ahead of local rivals.

9. Spurs were punctured with clinical efficiency on the break by an extremely organised Everton team who are top of the fledgeling table.

fledgeling 单语例句

1. fledgeling的近义词

1. Most of the victims are believed to have been supporters of Iraq's interim government or members of its fledgeling security forces.

fledgeling 英英释义



1. young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying

    Synonym: fledgling

2. fledgeling什么意思

2. any new participant in some activity

    Synonym: newcomer fledgling starter neophyte freshman newbie entrant
