1. 逃离:此间,威尔逊曾经找G&D协助,而后者完全无能为力,其总裁逃离(fled)中国内地,办公室也无人接听电话. FIS还试图通过美国驻华使馆、美国商务部、美中商会寻求帮助,但都没有结果. FIS致函建行,要求与新的管理层见面会谈,
2. 逃避:在威胁和挑战面前,恐龙的反应有三种,反抗(Fight)、逃避(Fled)或由于过度震惊,导致既不能思维也不能行动的惊惶失措(Fright),当我们受到压抑时,我们都可以感受到.
3. 亡命悍將:747絕地悍將 executive decision | 亡命悍將 fled | 終極悍將 last man standing
4. 有的逃之夭夭:...scattered...|...有的尸骨无存... | ...fled.|...有的逃之夭夭 | Or risen again from the ashes.|有的浴火重生
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. The suspects fled to a larger pirate vessel without damaging the Kition, but were intercepted by the warship an hour later.
2. fled
2. Europeans and Lebanese with foreign passports already have fled by the thousands.
3. The truck driver had fled the scene by the time rescuers arrived.
4. But his doubt is shared by thousands of people who have fled their homes after surviving the quake.
5. fled
5. Police arrested the duo last Friday after a cab driver they had robbed called police soon after they fled with his money.
6. The man fled but was caught a few days later when the householder ran into him in an Internet cafe and called the police.
7. He fled to his native France on the eve of sentencing in 1978 after spending 42 days in a California prison for a psychiatric evaluation.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. But the bandits fled the ship with Phillips as their captive, holding him in the lifeboat until the SEAL sharpshooters rescued him.
9. The length of time they were held has not been reported but their captivity was ended when Guo fled and raised the alarm.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. Sun subsequently fled to Hong Kong, where he furthered his education before starting a career in medicine in 1892.