1. The children were bored by the flatness of the long winter night.
2. The flatness of the roads made the rest of their trip more comfortable.
1. 平整度:抛光之后,在对硅片检测时关注的平整度(Flatness)方面的参数为TIR与STIR,而这两个参数都是以硅片的背表面为参考平面,即认为硅片的背面为理想的平面,但实际的硅片背表面是高低不平的,故需引入另一个参数:纳米形貌(nanotopography)来表征硅片的几何特性 [5].
2. 实音:5.实音(flatness) 亦称重浊音或绝对浊音,音调较浊音更高、音响更弱、振动持续时间更短的非乐音,当叩击肌肉、实质脏器如心或肝时即为实音. 在病理状态下,见于大量胸腔积液或肺实变等.
3. 平坦度:利用ELID钻石磨轮研磨直径300-400mm之矽晶圆,可获得所期望的表面粗度与平坦度(flatness)其研磨结果则视电流、电压、磨轮转速、材质、磨粒粗细、进给率及工作台转速而决定.
1. They sometimes border on sculpture but ultimately retain the physical flatness key to the Modernist school of painting.
1. inactivity
showing an unusual lack of energy
e.g. the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends
Synonym: languor lethargy sluggishness phlegm
2. flatness什么意思
2. the property of having little or no contrast
lacking highlights or gloss
Synonym: lusterlessness lustrelessness mat matt matte
3. the property of having two dimensions
Synonym: two-dimensionality planeness
4. a deficiency in flavor
e.g. it needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils
5. a want of animation or brilliance
e.g. the almost self-conscious flatness of Hemingway's style