flag down

flag down [flæɡ daun]  [flæɡ daʊn] 

flag down 基本解释

flag down的反义词


flag down 词典解释
flag down 单语例句

1. The Spaniards were positive from the start and took the lead after 15 minutes pressuring a Benfica throw down near the visitors'corner flag.

2. Police said they tried to flag down the suspects but they immediately fired shots.

3. flag down

3. Britain's Daily Mirror tabloid reported that the actor was able to walk away from the vehicle and flag down other motorists for help.

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4. Even the Japanese flag was pulled down from the car of Japanese ambassador to China, making it even harder for both countries to resolve the dispute.

5. flag down

5. He wrapped Johnston in a Palestinian flag after their news conference and then sat down with him for breakfast.

6. She said she looked around for a Russian flag to grab, so she could wave it as she skied down the final straight.

7. It was a painful day for one fan who felt moved to rip down her flag.

8. Some protesters pulled down the American flag, tore it up and burned it outside the embassy.

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9. Talking down to them is like waving a red flag in front of a bull, and just asking for a revolt.

10. When the star leaned down to unzip the balloon's trousers, out popped a British bulldog draped with the UK flag.

flag down 英英释义

flag down


1. signal to stop

    e.g. Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain
           The policeman flagged down our car
