
fixing ['fɪksɪŋ]  ['fɪksɪŋ] 







fixing 基本解释


名词固定; 安装; 稳固; 设备

动词修理; 固定( fix的现在分词 ); 准备; 使牢固

fixing 网络解释

1. 固定:知识产权制度发展到今天,它吸收了各国的文化与法律传统,基本上形成了各国都认可的基本原则,例如在著作权法中有作者身份(authorship)原则,保护原作的原创性(originality)原则,作品须在有形载体(或用一定形式)固定(fixing)的原则.

2. 定影:显影剂用硫酸亚铁,其化学反应式为:定影(fixing) 感光板经过曝光、显影以后得到影像,其中还残留着未感光的卤化银,见光后将会继续感光,使显影后的影像并不稳定,定影就是使显影所得影像稳定的过程.

3. 定:而后,科霍还是继续在沃尔斯坦镇工作四年,并且改进其研究受细菌感染伤口的方法-固定(fixing)、染色(staining)及摄影(photographing),并於1878年发表此法.

fixing 单语例句

1. Workers are busy fixing auto parts on the assembly line in the factory of JAC.

2. NASA managers said fixing the cable reel was vital to space station construction, which will take 15 more shuttle flights.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Insiders believe the arrest of the three celebrated referees is an indication that the police have solid evidence of their involvement in match fixing.

4. One of the tractors'drivers who was on the ground fixing his broken vehicle got sandwiched between the chassis and the tire.

5. fixing的翻译

5. Chinese soccer has been rocked again with top officials of the sport's ruling body under investigation amid the nationwide clampdown on gambling and match fixing.

6. He the revision of the code would also address the lengthy process of testing and fixing sanctions.

7. fixing

7. And the cost of fixing the system grows higher with every year we wait.

8. fixing

8. And criminals will take advantage of these bad apples to obtain their dirty money by fixing the results of matches.

9. Fixing this trade imbalance is a critical part of developing a stronger and more sustainable economic relationship between our two nations.

10. " Fixing the'personal information protection law'is a step that cannot be delayed, " said NPC delegate Xue Yadong.

fixing 英英释义



1. the act of putting something in working order again

    Synonym: repair fix fixture mend mending reparation

2. (histology) the preservation and hardening of a tissue sample to retain as nearly as possible the same relations they had in the living body

    Synonym: fixation

3. fixing

3. the sterilization of an animal

    e.g. they took him to the vet for neutering

    Synonym: neutering altering

4. fixing的反义词

4. restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place

    Synonym: fastener fastening holdfast
