
fishy [ˈfɪʃi]  [ˈfɪʃi] 

fishy 基本解释

形容词<非正>可疑的,值得怀疑的; 不是味儿; 鬼勾当; 腥味儿

fishy 相关例句



1. There's something fishy about it.

2. His excessive politeness seemed fishy.

3. There was something fishy about that guy.

fishy 网络解释

1. 可疑的:This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.这辆车真次,已经坏了四次... | fishy 可疑的 | His story sounds fishy. We should see if it's really true. 他的故事听起来可疑. 我们应该看看到底是不是...

2. 呆滞的:first signal system 第一信号系统 | fishy 呆滞的 | fissura 裂隙

3. 鱼似的:fishworm 蚯蚓 | fishy 鱼似的 | fishybacking 卡车渡运

4. 奇怪的/可疑的:Ants in one's pants 坐立不安 | Fishy 奇怪的,可疑的 | It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响

fishy 词典解释

1. (味道或气味)鱼腥味的,鱼味的
    A fishy taste or smell reminds you of fish.

2. 可疑的;有鬼的
    If you describe a situation as fishy, you feel that someone is not telling the truth or behaving completely honestly.

    e.g. There seems to be something fishy going on.

fishy 单语例句

1. The steamed weever fish is quite tender, although the skin has a slightly fishy smell.

2. fishy的翻译

2. He praised Redondo Beach for its fast response to the fishy tragedy.

3. It was argued he could not have afforded such a luxury item on his public salary so something fishy must have been going on.

4. fishy的意思

4. Steaming perch in tieguanyin leaves can get rid of its fishy smell while maintaining its freshness.

5. Some pepper added to the mix will get rid of any fishy smell.

6. And even if there was something fishy about the trip, we should let it pass.

7. We all know there's something fishy when we hear a bunch of Chinese officials flying off abroad on " study tours ".

8. Creamy and robust with a richly fishy broth, it was beautifully balanced in texture by the bright orange roe.

fishy 英英释义


1. fishy的解释

1. not as expected

    e.g. there was something fishy about the accident
           up to some funny business
           some definitely queer goings-on
           a shady deal
           her motives were suspect
           suspicious behavior

    Synonym: funny shady suspect suspicious

2. of or relating to or resembling fish

    e.g. the soup had a fishy smell
