
fisherman [ˈfɪʃəmən]  [ˈfɪʃərmən] 


fisherman 基本解释


fisherman 网络解释


1. 渔夫:一个钓者(angler)或渔夫(fisherman)能用他的钓竿(fishing pole)养活自己,并且尚有多馀的渔获可供贩卖. 一个牧人能让他的动物随他的意念移动到任何地方. 你需要一根牧羊人杖(shapherd's crook)来驱使你的动物按照指定的路线移动.

2. 渔民:每个单元都有一课是单词传授课,在教第六单元的5个单词时,因为都是关于职业,而且农民(farmer)和渔民(fisherman)离学生的实际生活较远,不容易形象的说明,我便自制了头饰及卡片来辅助教学,虽然是手工画的,但上课时学生看后很惊讶,

3. 渔夫 复数形式:28. dislike 不喜欢 反义词 like 喜欢 | 29. fisherman 渔夫 复数形式 fishermen | 30. photography n. 摄影 photograph n. 照片 相片

4. 落物打捞工人:Fisher-Yates test 费歇尔-耶茨检验 | fisherman 落物打捞工人 | fisheye structure 鱼眼构造

fisherman 词典解释

1. 渔民;渔夫;垂钓者
    A fisherman is a person who catches fish as a job or for sport.

fisherman 单语例句

1. fisherman在线翻译

1. A worker at a fishery base bought it from a local fisherman by chance two months ago.

2. The Ca Mau treasure remained hidden under the sea until 1998 when a Vietnamese fisherman chanced upon it.

3. Her infant was tossed into the river but a giant carp carried it to an old fisherman.

4. A fisherman catches a golden fish, which promises to grant him any wish if he releases it.

5. fisherman的反义词

5. In far southern Guangdong province, one fisherman was missing after three boats capsized in choppy seas.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. Fisherman Li Yongxiang said the red mullet had a circumference of 60 cm and was 135 cm long.

7. Rescuers on a coastguard vessel recovered the body of one more fisherman around the same time.

8. Chatham fisherman Paul Bremser said it's no coincidence that as the seals have increased, flounder have all but disappeared from Chatham Harbor.

9. fisherman的意思

9. Close to the conservation zone, a fisherman drew his net on a recent evening.

10. The Costa Rican fisherman said that in the two previous tournaments he also had good results.

fisherman 英英释义


1. fisherman

1. someone whose occupation is catching fish

    Synonym: fisher
