fish fry

fish fry [fiʃ frai]  [fɪʃ fraɪ] 

fish fry 基本解释
fish fry 网络解释

1. 鱼:马铃薯开始在英国普及是17世纪,到19世纪,吃炸鱼(Fish fry)在伦敦和英国东南部变得普遍,而同时,在英国北部,油炸削成块状的马铃薯的产业亦被开发. 不明何时何地,这两项被合并成为我们今天知道的炸鱼薯条商店产业. 因为罗马天主教不在星期五吃肉,

2. 炸鱼:在[[19世纪]],吃炸鱼(Fish fry)在[[伦敦]]和英国东南部变得普遍([[查尔系列的主角加菲(Garfield)是一只橙色、吃人类食物的胖猫. 其他主角包括一只不太聪明的黄色宠物 :它喜欢大量的[[吃]]、长时间的[[睡]]、看[[电视]]、在[[篱笆]]上跳舞(但常

3. 鱼苗:fish culture zone 鱼类养殖区 | fish fry 鱼苗 | fish pond 鱼塘

4. 小鱼苗;仔鱼:fish flour 食用鱼粉 | fish fry 小鱼苗;仔鱼 | fish gaff; fishgig 鱼叉

fish fry 单语例句

1. They plan to introduce artificial repopulation measures such as discharging more than 6 million fish fry into the Pearl River.

2. " I've got bigger fish to fry than Raja Bell, " he said.

3. The local government of Shanghang county was buying the fish at 12 yuan a kilogram and the fish fry at 24 yuan a kilogram.

4. fish fry的解释

4. The local government bought the fish at 12 yuan a kilogram and the fish fry at 24 yuan a kilogram.

5. fish fry

5. Xu said big fish will likely gobble up the small fry during the coming months.

6. fish fry的解释

6. Free seeds, fish fry and livestock have been available to farmers.

7. fish fry的近义词

7. " It catches adult fish and smaller fry escape, " said a local fisherman.


8. The released fish fry will also be marked similar to last year.

fish fry 英英释义


1. a cookout where fried fish is the main course
