
firecrackers ['faɪəkrækərz]  ['faɪəkrækərz] 


firecrackers 基本解释
爆竹,鞭炮( firecracker的名词复数 );
firecrackers 网络解释


1. 鞭炮:消防局并提醒民众只要是有爆炸杀伤力的都是未经批准的非法烟火爆竹,诸如冲天炮(Rockets)、仙女棒(Candles)、迫击炮(Motars)、直升机(Helicopters)、鞭炮(Firecrackers)等都属于违禁非法的爆竹,此类爆竹极易引发房舍或干草地引燃,

2. 鞭炮,爆竹 鞭炮,爆竹:firearms 枪械 枪械 | firecrackers 鞭炮,爆竹 鞭炮,爆竹 | fireworks 烟火,焰火,烟花 烟火,焰火,烟花

3. 鞭炮,爆竹:firearms 枪械 | firecrackers 鞭炮,爆竹 | fireworks 烟火,焰火,烟花

firecrackers 单语例句

1. A man set his storehouse on fire by accident on Monday morning after letting off firecrackers to celebrate his birthday.

2. firecrackers什么意思

2. The ban on firecrackers has been questioned by local residents, who hold the view that the folk tradition would be less meaningful without firecrackers.

3. firecrackers

3. A railway carriage with firecrackers exploded at the suburbs of Changsha and injured 18 workers who were repairing the rails at the site.

4. Beijing fire control bureau said CCTV officials illegally hired a fireworks squad to shoot hundreds of huge firecrackers above the new construction site.

5. firecrackers

5. He learned that the villagers had celebrated his imprisonment with firecrackers and could not believe such a monster had turned into a good man.

6. firecrackers

6. That almost all cities that once banned firecrackers have made the annual Spring Festival an exception reveals how indispensable firecrackers are to the Chinese celebration.

7. The climber that arrives the top first throws four red banners in four directions, and then sets off firecrackers to cheer for his triumph.

8. He said the police had forced Zhao to drink chili water and had even set off firecrackers over his head.

9. firecrackers是什么意思

9. The Nanjing Municipal People's Congress late last month decided to revise the regulations on the prohibition of firecrackers and fireworks.

10. A big problem with Beijing's previous ban on firecrackers was that there was little meaningful consultation with the public before it was put into effect.
