fire point

fire point [ˈfaiə pɔint]  [faɪr pɔɪnt] 

fire point 基本解释


fire point 网络解释

fire point的近义词

1. 燃点:(12)燃点(Fire Point) 在规定条件下,当火焰靠近油品表面的油气和空气混合物时即会着火并持续燃烧至规定时间所需的最低温度,以℃表示. (13)色度(Colourity) 在规定条件下,油品颜色接近于某一号标准色板(色液)的颜色时所测的结果.

2. 着火点:闪点(Flash point)是指可燃性液体挥发出的蒸汽在与空气形成可燃性混合物之后,遇火源时能够闪烁起火的最低温度. 在这温度下燃烧无法持续,但如果温度继续攀升则可能引发大火. 和着火点(Fire Point)不同的是,着火点是指可燃性混合物能够持续燃烧的最低温度,高于闪点

3. 火点:七、由上述温度数据可知抹布着火点(fire point)高,排气管温度造成抹布释放出的可燃性气体量少,加上行车时风力大,直接起火燃烧的机会小,抹布持续受热增温后会呈现出无焰燃烧(闷烧)、碳化的现象.

4. 发火点:fire plug消火栓 | fire point发火点 | fire pump消防泵

fire point 单语例句

1. At one point a police operator told a fire dispatcher that a helicopter had hit one of the towers.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. At that point fire officials believed all those killed did live in the home.

3. fire point

3. What's the point of setting fire to others'shops or houses?

4. If you want to stop the boiling, you must turn off the fire before it reaches the boiling point.
