1. A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas.
1. 冷杉:与加拿大TOLKO公司长期合作,量大价优!欢迎各界人士前来洽谈!可按照规格定尺加工,有自主进出口权!也欢迎有意向的代理商前来洽谈代理事宜,条件优厚!我司现阶段主营产品为加拿大SPF(云杉(Spruce)松木( Pine)冷杉(Fir))
2. 数字滤波器:数字滤波器是数字信号处理中的重要组成部分.数字滤波器分为有限脉冲响应数字滤波器(FIR)和无限脉冲响应数字滤波器(IIR).介绍了利用窗函数设计FIR滤波器的方法,即根据给定的滤波器技术指标,确定有限长单位脉冲序列,
3. 枞:是美国大陆最清洁之州. 本州每年输出三百多万株圣诞树,数目在50州内列第一位. 蒙大拿州同时也是美国五州不课征消费税(No Sales Tax)其中的一州,所以在本州您可享受各种的购物乐趣. 主要树种为松(Pine)及枞(Fir),木材产量丰富.
4. fir:far-infrared ray; 远红外
5. fir:fpfar infrared radiation; 远红外辐射
6. fir:finite impulse response; 有限冲激响应
1. fir在线翻译
1. 冷杉;枞
A fir or a fir tree is a tall evergreen tree that has thin needle-like leaves.
1. The " king fir " has become a symbol of Xishui and has been designated by many forestry experts as a rare tree.
2. The junks are made mainly of camphor, pine and fir timber and assembled through use of traditional carpenters'tools.
3. fir的翻译
3. They are mainly made in ordinary wood, for example China fir and camphorwood.
4. Locals blamed a mass influx of visitors for the deteriorating situation of their treasured king fir.
5. The rolling mountains were much greener, with forests of fir and pine.
6. fir的解释
6. In 1510, children first decorated a fir tree in the city's town square.