1. 飞边现象(合模或模裂形成):飞边清除 flash removal | 飞边现象(合模或模裂形成) finning | 飞灰 fluxing
2. 筋条加强:finned tube 加筋管 | finning 筋条加强 | fire bar 炉篚
3. 加散热片:finned tubular radiator 翅片管散热器 | finning 加散热片 | fire brick 耐火砖
4. 鱼鳍式划水(仰卧并腿,两手身旁上下打水):105.手臂交叉动作:scything arm action | 106.鱼鳍式划水(仰卧并腿,两手身旁上下打水):finning | 107.前交叉(一臂等待另一臂):catch-up stroke
1. finning
1. Exposing human cruelty and the plight of sharks, it sparked enthusiasm for environmentalism and has increased condemnations of shark finning.
2. finning的解释
2. " Nor do they realize the cruelty of the finning process, " Yao said.
3. Finning makes use of only 2 to 5 percent of the animal, but shark fins are now one of the most highly valued marine commodities.
4. finning的翻译
4. More and more people in China have begun recognizing the harm of shark finning and are refusing to eat it.