find fault

find fault [faind fɔ:lt]  [faɪnd fɔlt] 

find fault 基本解释

动词挑剔; 挑错; 挑毛病; 找茬儿

find fault 相关例句


1. Why did he find fault so much?

find fault 网络解释

find fault的翻译

1. 挑毛病:fast asleep熟睡 | find fault挑毛病 | find fault with埋怨,挑剔,吹毛求疵

2. 挑剔:find fault with 批评 | find fault 挑剔 | find favor with 得宠

3. 抱怨,找岔子:fill out 填写 | find fault 抱怨,找岔子 | find fault with 抱怨,找岔子

find fault 单语例句

1. The US is proposing a disinformation campaign on websites that find fault with government policy.

2. It is unfair to find fault with China's business with Sudan.

3. People in general do not like others to find fault with their home country.

4. Tao Mei said she can be quick to find fault, but she couldn't find anything to complain about when she visited Denmark.

5. find fault

5. It seemed in the beginning that their sole objective for arriving in Beijing was to find fault with the system.

6. The Western media is always able to find fault with China and to pick on China's activities in Africa.

7. The core issue is how to correctly find fault for infringement liabilities of network service providers.

8. Yet we find fault with the indiscriminative ban not only from the viewpoint of logic.

9. Actually, one of the principles of Western media is to find fault and negative angles.

10. Some of them exhaust every possibility to find a fault with Chinese companies new to the overseas market.

find fault 英英释义

find fault的意思


1. harass with constant criticism

    e.g. Don't always pick on your little brother

    Synonym: blame pick
