find amusement

find amusement

find amusement 双语例句

1. You find amusement at my torn, hanging skin

2. The people in ancient go hiking is not for amusement, but to find a more suitale climate.

3. The family can always sit in the car, or find the nearest amusement arcade, or simply turn round and go home.


4. I mean people wonder why I always have children around because I find the thing that I never had through them, you know, Disneyland, amusement park, arcade games, I adore all that stuff, 'cause I was little, I was always work work work, from one concert to the next, if it wasn't a concert there was a recording studio, if it wasn't that, it was a TV show, there's an interview, there's a picture session, there's always something to do.

5. I don`t find any amusement in his comments.

find amusement

6. I dont find any amusement in his comments.

7. I find amusement in study English.

find amusement的翻译

8. I find amusement in collecting old newspapers.

9. I find amusement in collecting stamps.

10. I find amusement in seeing movies.

11. Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks.

find amusement

12. Don't run away with the idea that you can be idle in this job. The more he took things easy the lazier he became and, feeling bored with nothing to do, he would find some amusement or buy something good to eat.

13. Still you have a unique ability to be able to smile through the tears (and you don't often cry at any rate) and find a source of amusement in any situation.

14. We find men who are not priests seeking and recording knowledge and inquiring into the mysteries of life and being, in a way that has hitherto been the sublime privilege of priesthood or the presumptuous amusement of kings.

15. Let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent. (Plato, ancient Greek Philosophe)

16. The new film, which may be his best, tells the story of an10-year-old girl and her parents who wander into a tunnel in the woods and find what looks like an amusement park.

17. For example, you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland, the roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.
