fin whale

fin whale [fin hweil]  [fɪn hwel] 

fin whale 基本解释
fin whale 网络解释

1. 长须鲸:周六清晨,一艘刚停泊在温哥华港的阿拉斯加邮轮船头,惊现一尾长须鲸(Fin Whale)尸体. 当局正调查长须鲸尸体为何会出现该船船头,以及长须鲸来自何方. 邮轮方面定有一套「躲避鲸鱼」政策,而今次事件非常罕见.

2. 鳍鲸;长须鲸:飞狐;大蝙蝠 flying fox | 鳍鲸;长须鲸 fin whale | 英国玩赏猎犬 English toy spaniel

fin whale 双语例句

1. Other baleen whale s are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whale s and the rorqual.

2. Predatory black and white toothed whale with large dorsal fin common in cold seas.

3. Predatory black and white toothed whale with large fin common in cold seas.

4. Predatory black and white toothed whale with large dorsal fin common in seas.

5. Predatory black and white toothed whale with dorsal fin common in cold seas.


6. What classification do Fin Whale, Mink Whale and Humpback whale belong to?

7. Besides the uninterrupted ringed mountains, a couple of small hills in the center have the soil surface. Inside these small hills, there are one or more smaller hills, some are made up of rocks, and the shape is like a big barrier, just like the fin of whale emerging from the water.

8. Fin whale has become a periscope?

fin whale是什么意思

9. Predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas.

10. The thesis is mainly based on the bionics research and exploration of relevant knowledge of fluid dynamics, and is carried out further studies on imitating the humpback whale fin-type.

11. And comparing with standard fin-type pool experimental data under the same condition, we find that the imitating humpback whale fin stabilizer fin-type can provide more lift in the same angle of attack.

12. These special front edge prominent tubercles of the imitating humpback whale fin stabilizer can effectively delay stall and postpone boundary layer separation, thus improve capacity of the fin stabilizer to increasing lift or reducing resistance.

fin whale 单语例句

1. He said that whale numbers were sufficient to allow an additional 30 minke whales and nine fin whales to be caught commercially by August 2007.

2. It caught just one fin whale compared with a target of 50 in the hunt that began in November.

3. While the fin whale is deemed endangered on a global basis, the government says it is plentiful around Iceland.


4. Three fin whales were caught in waters to the west of Iceland on Tuesday during the start of the fin whale season.

fin whale 英英释义


1. large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat
    of Atlantic and Pacific

    Synonym: finback finback whale common rorqual Balaenoptera physalus
