1. 充满:(本文进入(enters)、充满(fills)、给与(grants)快感). 然而到头来他竟是一位十足的柏拉图主义者. <<情人话语的片段>>中的独白表面上象是一桩桩失恋故事,最后却以典型的柏拉图式的灵爱观而告终,结果低级的爱转化为无所不容的高级的爱.
2. 亂紋:coordinate clause 尌等子句;並列子句 | fills 亂紋 | winged word 傳布迅速的言話
3. 填充模式面板:Lines:线型面板. | Fills:填充模式面板. | Modes:显示模式面板.
4. 经过音:根音 Root | 经过音 fills | 决定音 Determinant
1. Whoever ultimately fills the huge chair Sharon leaves empty should not veer from the path of peace mapped out by his predecessors.
2. fills在线翻译
2. A combo of cowboy and classic rock fills the speakers seven days a week.
3. When the grapefruit come into blossom, the fragrance fills the air.
4. He fills his fames with inventiveness and dark obsessions to produced mysterious effect and despairing mood.
5. The general perception that you cannot see the gorges after the dam fills is not true.
6. fills的解释
6. It can double as a private room for lap dances when the club fills to its 470 capacity.
7. A sweet smell fills the space instead of the usual earthy aroma of clay.
8. Old yellowed editions mix with bright current papers, and the smell of print fills the air.
9. But after 5 pm, the cafe almost fills up with young people after they finish their classes or jobs.
10. Fritter says her family also enjoys the spirit of cheer that fills the air this time of year.