fill out

fill out [fil aut]  [fɪl aʊt] 

fill out 基本解释


<主美>填写(表格等); 充实; 长胖; (通常指因充气)鼓起[膨胀]

fill out 相关例句

fill out的意思


1. Her cheeks have filled out.

2. Fill out the form, please.

fill out 情景对话


B:Please, fill out this application fomp3.

A:Where should I write my (address/ telephone number/ date of birth)?


A:How do I go about (taking it out/ applying/ signing up)?

B:Just fill out these fomp3s and we’ll get back to you.


B:Can I help you?

A:Yes, do you have any rooms available?

B:A single?

A:No. I need a double and three triples. My family is waiting for me in the car.

B:Please fill out this fomp3, sir.

A:Ok…Here you are.

B:Here are your keys. Check out time is noon.

A:Is breakfast included?


fill out 网络解释

1. 填写:mind 介意,反对 | fill out 填写 | prepare 准备,预备

2. 填好,填写;使长大:fill in 填充,填写,临时代替 | fill out 填好,填写;使长大 | fill up 填补;装满

3. 填表:fill in for 代替 | fill out 填表 | find a sugar daddy 找到一个有钱的老头子

4. 长胖:配套设施auxiliary facilities | fill out 长胖 | in the wake of sth. 受. . . 的激发

fill out 词典解释
fill out 单语例句

1. We had a few good laughs looking over the forms she had asked her students to fill out about their favorite pastimes.

2. They interviewed them and had them fill out questionnaires that measured their psychosocial maturity and basic intellectual acumen.

3. She took out a Virginia Slims menthol cigarette, lit it up and proceeded to fill the Oldsmobile Cutlass with plumes of choking vapor.

4. fill out

4. Chinese citizens going abroad will no longer be required to fill out an entry registration form when they come home.

5. Paterson had said he thought the candidates'responses would be confidential because it was his personal request that they fill them out.

6. fill out

6. People who have lost contact with their relatives in Japan need to download and fill out a tracing request from the society's website.

7. The researchers recommended healthcare workers identify Type D personality among patients with coronary heart disease by simply asking patients to fill out the questionnaire.

8. Don't think posh little portions and delicate arrangements that are too pretty to eat leaving you heading out to another restaurant to get you fill.

9. fill out的意思

9. There were forms to fill out documenting both men's background and finances.


10. Tables offering quirky gadgets to liven up a dorm room or apartment fill out the space.

fill out 英英释义

fill out是什么意思


1. become round, plump, or shapely

    e.g. The young woman is fleshing out

    Synonym: round flesh out

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. make bigger or better or more complete

    Synonym: round out

3. write all the required information onto a form

    e.g. fill out this questionnaire, please!
           make out a form

    Synonym: complete fill in make out

4. make fat or plump

    e.g. We will plump out that poor starving child

    Synonym: fatten fat flesh out plump plump out fatten out fatten up

5. line or stuff with soft material

    e.g. pad a bra

    Synonym: pad

6. fill out

6. supplement what is thought to be deficient

    e.g. He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons
           Braque eked out his collages with charcoal

    Synonym: eke out
