
figurine [ˈfɪgəri:n]  [ˌfɪgjəˈri:n]


figurine 基本解释


figurine 网络解释


1. 小雕像:core hole 铸孔 | figurine 小雕像 | taxidermy 动物标本剥制术

2. 小型塑像:figured wired glass 压花夹丝玻璃 | figurine 小型塑像 | figwort 玄参

3. 小塑像;小雕像:enshrine 奉为神圣,珍藏 | figurine 小塑像,小雕像 | tambourine 铃鼓;小手鼓

4. 小塑像:engrave 铭刻 | figurine 小塑像 | foreground 前景

figurine 词典解释

1. (装饰性的)小雕像,小塑像
    A figurine is a small ornamental model of a person.

figurine 单语例句

1. figurine在线翻译

1. As my eyes darted around in search of edibles, a figurine in the shape of two pandas chewing bamboo shoots jumped into my view.

2. figurine

2. The figurine is made from clay and it can be seen in a wide range of environments from Peking Opera to vendors in daily life.

3. figurine什么意思

3. Bai took out a small old figurine wearing a paper dress from among all the figurines kept in his three large cabinets at home.

4. One day Li stole his father's money to buy a rice opera figurine, a Chinese princess with fancy plumes attached to her head.

5. figurine

5. But her joy soon turned to horror when she realised the figurine showed off parts of her body she would rather keep private.

6. By far the most controversial offering is the female figurine, often stylishly decked and endowed like a supermodel.

7. A sample figurine is delivered to the customer a few days later, and the producer then makes alterations as necessary.

8. The figurine of Goddess Selket shows her graceful outstretched arms shielding a gilded wooden shrine set.

9. figurine的反义词

9. People liked his clay figurines so much that they nicknamed Zhang " Clay Figurine Zhang, " hence the name of his school.

10. It took the labor of multiple workers over the course of several months to complete just one such figurine.

figurine 英英释义



1. a small carved or molded figure

    Synonym: statuette
