
fighter [ˈfaɪtə(r)]  [ˈfaɪtɚ] 


fighter 基本解释

名词战士(尤指士兵或拳击者); [航]战斗机,歼击机; 斗争者,奋斗者; 好斗的人

fighter 相关例句


1. Now all the fighter planes are all armed with cannon.

2. He is a tireless fighter against racism.

3. When the police came the fighters were in a clinch.

fighter 网络解释


1. 战士:1个3级共5个 --同一系同等级的职业只能选一个 --一但你等级2的职业选择好了,那么等级3的职业也不被设定好了 --转职路线 战士(Fighter) -%26gt; 骑士(Knight) -%26gt; 领主(Lord) 战士(Fighter) -%26gt; 掠夺者(Marauder) -%26gt;

2. 斗士:苏格兰男星布莱恩.考克斯(Brian Cox)及丹麦女星姗拉(Semra Turan)分别凭<<红龙>>(Red)及<<斗士>>(Fighter)赢得影帝、影后返回了另一方面作为电影节的最高上的 '最优秀作品奖'(Best Motion Picture)到debido私刑监督的女儿janip

3. 格斗:游戏简介: KERORO系列线上游戏是由韩国Tooniverse公司取得独家授权并进行研发,再交由Goorm Interactive公司发行,共有竞速(Racing)、射击(Pangpang)、格斗(Fighter)三种不同的游戏版本,并且各自为一个独立的线上游戏.

fighter 词典解释

1. 战斗机;歼击机
    A fighter or a fighter plane is a fast military aircraft that is used for destroying other aircraft.

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2. 战士;斗士;奋斗者
    If you describe someone as a fighter, you approve of them because they continue trying to achieve things in spite of great difficulties or opposition.

    e.g. From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 打架者;打斗者;(尤指)职业拳击手
    A fighter is a person who physically fights another person, especially a professional boxer.

    e.g. ...a tough little street fighter.

fighter 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. And as The Fighter debuted recently in major US cities, it is looking very good with Oscar buzz and solid reviews working in its corner.

2. Grasping the joystick firmly and throttling back slowly, he piloted the fighter plane with only one engine and ascended little by little.

3. The government also said the rebels violated the UN resolution by using a helicopter and a fighter jet to bomb Libyan armed forces.

4. Chinese military fans are excited by the news that the country's second stealth fighter prototype has made its maiden flight.

5. The Beijing News quoted Zhang as saying he learned from the seller's son by telephone that the fighter jet was retired by the Czech military.

6. They will spin their sets from stages interspersed with old fighter planes, helicopters and a giant cannon.

7. The fighter jets appear to have been both carrier based aircraft, operating in the Mediterranean and British based bombers which would have refuelled in mid air.

8. The administration's head Liu Peng said China has been a " vigorous fighter " against doping but the challenge should not be underestimated.

9. Some said it even bolstered their claims, because several people reported seeing at least two fighter jets chasing an object.

10. A Taliban fighter died attacking a polling station overnight and three more were killed in a clash in which two policemen died.

fighter 英英释义


1. fighter的翻译

1. a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air

    Synonym: fighter aircraft attack aircraft

2. fighter的解释

2. someone who fights for a cause

    Synonym: champion hero paladin

3. someone who fights (or is fighting)

    Synonym: combatant battler belligerent scrapper
