field mouse

field mouse [fi:ld maus]  [fild maʊs] 

field mouse的解释

第三人称复数:field mice

field mouse 基本解释

field mouse


field mouse 网络解释

1. 野鼠:field marshal 陆军元帅 | field mouse 野鼠 | field night 有活动夜晚

2. 现场鼠标:栏(位)模(态) field mode | 现场鼠标 field mouse | 栏名 field name

field mouse 词典解释

1. 田鼠
    A field mouse is a mouse with a long tail that lives in fields and woods.

field mouse 单语例句

1. A Minnie Mouse doll is seen at a field in Shanghai, where Shanghai Disneyland will be built.

2. field mouse

2. They immediately reminded her of a Japanese animation about a city mouse and a field mouse that she watched as a child.

field mouse 英英释义

field mouse的意思


1. any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens

    Synonym: fieldmouse

2. any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows

    Synonym: vole
