
fictional [ˈfɪkʃənl]  [ ˈfɪkʃənl:] 

fictional 基本解释


形容词虚构的; 小说的

fictional 反义词



fictional 网络解释

1. 小说的,幻想的:fictionist 小说家 | fictional 小说的,幻想的 | fictionalize 把......编成小说,使小说化

2. 虚构的; 小说的 (形):fiction 小说, 法律的拟制, 虚构的故事 (名) | fictional 虚构的; 小说的 (形) | fictionalize 使小说化; 把...编成小说 (动)

fictional 词典解释

1. fictional的近义词

1. 虚构的;非真实的
    Fictional characters or events occur only in stories, plays, or films and never actually existed or happened.

    e.g. It is drama featuring fictional characters...
    e.g. Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs.

fictional 单语例句

1. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association.

2. fictional

2. The word is a homonym for " burning ", suggesting that people will burn with passion when they see this type of fictional character.

3. A circular from the SFDA said the advertisements lied about or exaggerated the efficacy of the products and used fictional consumers in promotions.

4. The gang mirrored the group in the fictional book and film A Clockwork Orange.

5. It's a fictional story set in an imaginary castle in Rome, where angels and demons coexist.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. It has got to a point where even New York Times columnist Frank Rich regards him almost as a fictional character.

7. The fictional King Solomon's Mines held a treasure of gold and diamonds, but archaeologists say the real mines may have supplied the ancient king with copper.

8. fictional的意思

8. Meng said because the fictional women are so romanticized in China any definite judgment about them is treated as a profanity.

9. So diehard fans of the fictional sleuth may be disappointed if they met Wu Guoqing, the famed detective known as " China's Sherlock Holmes ".

10. fictional什么意思

10. But a few of them are inclined to present a picture more fictional than factual.

fictional 英英释义


1. fictional的解释

1. formed or conceived by the imagination

    e.g. a fabricated excuse for his absence
           a fancied wrong
           a fictional character

    Synonym: fabricated fancied fictitious

2. related to or involving literary fiction

    e.g. clever fictional devices
           a fictional treatment of the train robbery
