
fetch [fetʃ]  [fɛtʃ] 







fetch 基本解释


及物动词接来(某人); 使发出; 吸引; 售得(若干价钱)

不及物动词取来; 抵达,到达; 卖得(好价钱)

名词拿取,拿来; 诡计; 风浪区

fetch 相关词组


1. fetch up : 到达, 呕吐;

fetch 相关例句


1. I heard her fetching a deep sigh.

2. Fetch the doctor!

3. Fetch your supper yourself, Robert.

4. His words fetched a laugh from all present.

5. The old watch fetched 100 dollars.

fetch 网络解释


1. 提取:用静态游标打开是正常的,提取(fetch)数据时很快,但将动态游标变量传给存储过程,再返回后,fetch游标数据时却非常慢,请高手帮忙!!!

2. 获取:使用这些语言,您 命令程序执行指令序列:把某些数据 放入(put)变量中;从变量中 获取(fetch)数据; 循环(loop)一个指令块 直到(until)满足了某些条件; 如果(if)某个命题为 true,那么就进行某些操作.

3. 取回:l]+[H] 取回(Fetch)场景 [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[F]冻结所选物体 [6] 跳到最后一帧 [END] 跳到第一帧 [HOME]显示/隐藏相机(Cameras) [Shift]+[C] 显示/隐藏几何体(Geometr中国科学院自动化研究所智能住宅(Smart Home)因体现了人类生活的舒适境界而倍受瞩目,

fetch 词典解释

1. 去拿;去取;去接
    If you fetch something or someone, you go and get them from the place where they are.

    e.g. Sylvia fetched a towel from the bathroom...
    e.g. Fetch me a glass of water...

2. 卖得;售得
    If something fetches a particular sum of money, it is sold for that amount.

    e.g. The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds.

3. see also: far-fetched;fetching

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 做零活;干杂务;当听差
    If you fetch and carry, you perform simple, often boring tasks for someone, such as collecting and carrying things for them.

    e.g. I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying.

相关词组:fetch up

fetch 单语例句

1. Perfectly shaped salt water pearls that are formed by nature can fetch millions of dollars.

2. Zhu's wife must walk three kilometers on snaking mountain paths to fetch turbid water three times a day for her family and cattle.

3. That's why Ru porcelains are those most sought after by ceramics collectors and fetch high prices at auctions.

4. fetch的意思

4. I ordered my maid to fetch me a razor from the convenience store.

5. fetch在线翻译

5. The boy is lucky to have been born into an affluent family, and his parents'wealth can fetch him all the comforts of life.

6. Local buyers can fetch the meals from restaurants while nonlocal buyers can get them in vacuum packing via express delivery.

7. They start the morning with a downhill trek to fetch fresh water.

8. fetch的近义词

8. They are called on to fetch the car of a person who has been drinking and to drive that person home.

9. It's also been detected in the feed of hens and ducks to make their egg yolks red so they fetch higher prices.

10. The painting is expected to fetch in excess of $ 40 million.

fetch 英英释义



1. the action of fetching


1. go or come after and bring or take back

    e.g. Get me those books over there, please
           Could you bring the wine?
           The dog fetched the hat

    Synonym: bring get convey

2. take away or remove

    e.g. The devil will fetch you!

3. fetch什么意思

3. be sold for a certain price

    e.g. The painting brought $10,000
           The old print fetched a high price at the auction

    Synonym: bring in bring
