
fester [ˈfestə(r)]  [ˈfɛstɚ] 







fester 基本解释


不及物动词化脓,溃烂; 腐烂,腐败; 激起怨忿,引起创痛; 使衰败


名词溃烂; 脓疮

fester 相关例句


1. A dirty wound will probably fester.

2. Jealousy festered his mind.


1. It's lucky that the wound did not fester.

fester 网络解释

1. 脓疮:fervescence 发热 | fester 脓疮 | festinating gait 慌张步态

2. 使烦恼:rankle激怒v | fester使烦恼 | rank讨厌的a

3. 伤口溃烂,化脓:definitive 明确的,有权威的 | fester 伤口溃烂,化脓 | diffuse 散布,(光等)漫射

4. 化脓:ferret#搜索 | fester#化脓 | fete#庆祝

fester 词典解释

1. (局势、问题或情感)恶化,激化,加剧
    If you say that a situation, problem, or feeling is festering, you disapprove of the fact that it is being allowed to grow more unpleasant or full of anger, because it is not being properly recognized or dealt with.

    e.g. Resentments are starting to fester.
    e.g. ...festering wounds of the legacy of British imperialism.

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2. 化脓;溃烂
    If a wound festers, it becomes infected, making it worse.

    e.g. The wound is festering, and gangrene has set in...
    e.g. Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores.

3. fester的翻译

3. (食物)腐烂,腐坏,烂掉
    If you say that food is festering, you mean that it is decaying in a very unpleasant way.

    e.g. The chops will fester and go to waste.
    e.g. ...stale sauces festering in fridges.

fester 单语例句

1. Allowing European debt problems to fester and grow by sweeping them under the carpet through dubious theatrics can only make those problems worse.

2. fester是什么意思

2. As time went on, her nose began to fester from the inside out.

3. It is sometimes tempting to let intractable conflicts fester, and there are some situations where other countries can play the mediator's role more effectively.

4. The financial crisis gives a stark warning of what can happen if known economic risks are left to fester.

5. fester

5. He's earned respect by enforcing team rules and not letting problems fester.

6. fester的近义词

6. A vestige of appreciation for SWFs could be felt as the crisis continued to fester.

7. In 1998 the obvious outward signs of arsenic poisoning manifested themselves and his skin began to fester and crack.

8. When everyone and everything evolves around a chair with absolute power, mediocrity tends to fester into a state where everyone involved will degenerate.

fester 英英释义



1. a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus

    Synonym: suppurating sore


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1. ripen and generate pus

    e.g. her wounds are festering

    Synonym: maturate suppurate
