1. 蕨类:另一血统发达具有维管束系而成为维管束植物(Tracheophyta)的祖先,此维管束植物包括有现生和绝灭(化石)的蕨类(ferns)、石松类、木贼类、针叶树类和被子植物.
2. 蕨类植物:木本石松植物(Ly-copods)、芦木植物(Calamites)、蕨类植物(Ferns)、种子蕨(Pteridosperms)、科达树(Cordaites)等空前繁盛. 无脊椎动物以蜓类(原生动物门,肉足虫纲,有孔虫亚纲的一目)、腕足类和四射珊瑚(Tefracorallia),
3. 蕨:植物Plants | 蕨Ferns | 裸子植物 Gymnosperm
4. 非恩士:Fennoccandia 芬諾斯坎(地亞) | Ferns 非恩士 | Fertile Crescent 肥沃月灣
1. Amber Hearn got a equalizer for the New Zealand Ferns after 12 minutes.
2. Banana and fig trees can be seen in abundance, along with trumpet lilies and a number of ferns.
3. An archeologist identified the leaves as those of ancient ferns which lived some 100 million years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
4. Chen's team established an experimental zone in Shimen two years ago, where they grew brake ferns to clean up the soil contaminated by arsenic.
5. ferns
5. Observing waterfalls, ferns and wildflowers along the way can turn the hike into an endless discovery.
6. Some ferns are made into appetizers, but alsophila is not edible.
7. Department of Conservation botanist Peter de Lange had found three species of filmy ferns that were new records for the Kermadecs.