
fermentation [ˌfɜ:men'teɪʃn]  [ˌfə:mənˈteʃən, -mɛn-] 

fermentation 基本解释


名词发酵; 激动,纷扰

fermentation 相关例句



1. Milk becomes cheese by fermentation.

fermentation 网络解释

1. 发酵作用:现代啤酒是以大麦芽(malt)、酒花(hop)、水为主要原料,经酵母(yeast)发酵作用(fermentation)酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)的低酒精度酒(nablab).

2. 發酵過程:雪茄的烟所含的氨气,比香烟的含量 大二十倍,而雪茄烟所含的镉,是香烟的五至十倍;原因是制造雪茄的发酵过程(fermentation),会产生较高浓度的硝酸盐(nitrate),由于用来卷雪茄烟的纸不大透气,抽雪茄烟的燃烧过程,未能彻底燃烧雪茄,

3. 发酵;激动;动荡:fermentation liquor 发酵液 | fermentation 发酵;激动;动荡 | fermentative bacteria 发酵细菌

fermentation 单语例句

1. Fermentation in tanks means that Italian sparkling wines can be sold at slightly lower prices than champagne yet still retain similar levels of quality.

2. Scientists don't fully understand the delicate mix of compounds that emerge during fermentation and why they create such pleasing sensations for wine drinkers.

3. It has a better taste and quality after some degree of natural fermentation.

4. Now that oil prices have climbed roughly 35 per cent over the past year, cellulosic fermentation technology is becoming economical.

5. CCTV said the foul air has been traced to the sections of the factory where penicillin is produced through fermentation and drying.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. It is mainly engaged in developing, producing and selling biological fermentation products.

7. fermentation是什么意思

7. She believes secondary fermentation in tanks works well with the prosecco grape " surpassing in many aspects the quality of secondary fermentation in individual bottles ".

8. The wine is pressed off skins and some grape sugars remain so the fermentation is completed in oak barrels.

9. One of the first graduates to major in fermentation, she stood out from her classmates with her very sensitive smell and taste.

10. fermentation在线翻译

10. The project is designed to promote the use of methane fermentation reactors and cooking utensils in a mountainous area in China's south central Hunan Province.

fermentation 英英释义


1. a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances
    especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol

    Synonym: zymosis zymolysis fermenting ferment

2. a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

    e.g. the political ferment produced new leadership
           social unrest

    Synonym: agitation ferment tempestuousness unrest
