fencing material

fencing material

fencing material 双语例句

1. Many of the materials that are currently available in the USA, i. e. decking and fencing, are unlikely to be accepted in Europe, partly due to different cultures and life styles and partly due to the appearance of the material.

fencing material

2. I use the white vinyl fencing material you might see in a fence on a horse farm.

3. I use the white vinyl 2x6 fencing material you might see in a fence on a horse farm.

fencing material的解释

4. While vinyl has been used as a fencing material for decades, it's only been in the last fifteen years that it has really soared in popularity.

5. Need fencing material to build a fence?

6. In addition to dispatching relief supplies and equipment, including fencing material, disinfectant solution, water pumps, generators, tents and medicine, worth over US$200, 000 to earthquake zones, IFAW sent an emergency rescue team to Sichuan to help with epidemic prevention.

7. June 5, the second shipment of IFAW donated relief supplies arrived at Zundao Township. It contained temporary fencing material, disinfectant solution, water pumps, generators, tents and animal medicines.? + D; h4 q03 C5 x$ G8 I ----IFAW
    6月5日,IFAW的第二批援助灾区的物资抵达遵道镇,其中包括动物围栏、消毒用品、水泵、发电机、帐篷、兽药等,这些都是当地恢复生产急需的物资。8 ^* u% i- Q9 F+ O2 k ----IFAW 7 K6 v3 i6 t9 O6 r A

8. Much of the money for Pakistan was spent on physical security, like fencing and surveillance systems, and equipment for tracking nuclear material if it left secure areas.
