
fencer [ˈfensə(r)]  [ˈfɛnsɚ] 

fencer 基本解释


名词剑术家; <澳>篱笆匠

fencer 网络解释


1. 击剑者:击剑术(Fencing) 需求:匕首(daggers)或轻型剑(light swords) 击剑者(fencer)都是使用轻型剑或匕首的. 这比起舞动一般的剑来说可要轻巧灵活多了!而且这也是个受上流人士尊敬的职业! 由於武器重量轻且能有效的对付重武装的敌人,

2. 剑客:Duelist 决斗者 | Fencer 剑客 | General 将军

3. 剑客,击剑者:195. feminist: 女权运动者. | 196. fencer: 剑客,击剑者. | 197. fetus: 胎儿.

fencer 单语例句

1. The world's top woman saber fencer has notched up great achievements in her short but glorious sporting career.

2. China's No 1 women's fencer stood out in other ways, too.

3. Swiss world No 1 fencer Fischer lived up to the expectation to win the first gold medal for the Switzerland in Athens.

4. Qi had gone through tough and even cruel training to be a top wheelchair fencer.

5. " Sound psychological adjustment is the most vital thing for a fencer before the Olympics ", she said.

6. fencer的翻译

6. The diligent fencer expected he could gain more in the next year.

7. Fencer Zhong Man surprised the whole nation by winning a gold medal at last year's Olympic Games.

fencer 英英释义


1. someone skilled at fencing

    Synonym: swordsman
