





fenced 基本解释
围以栅栏( fence的过去式和过去分词 );搪塞;支吾;回避;
fenced 网络解释

1. 有围墙的:nice 好的 | fenced 有围墙的 | available 可使用的,空闲的

fenced 单语例句

1. Although the family would like to prepare a fenced enclosure for it, veterinary authorities would prefer to move it into a shelter for wild animals.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Black piglets closely follow their mothers as they roam free in large fenced grassy paddocks.

3. fenced在线翻译

3. The buildings along Gateway Street are close imitations of those in Southeast Asian countries, with painted yellow facades and roof balconies fenced with curved railings.

4. Powell has fenced with reporters who have asked if he will stay on the job, saying only that he serves at the pleasure of the president.

5. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.

6. fenced

6. Fenced off and patrolled by guards, it is surrounded by coffee farms.

7. fenced的解释

7. On every storey people can walk outside the Pagoda, which is fenced by wood paling.

8. How can the buildings of beautiful city have windows fenced with stainless steel bars?

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Tai Shan gave his mother a few sniffs Wednesday through a fenced window between their separate yards.

10. In a charged debate among local wildlife experts, some are recommending the park be fenced off completely.
