1. 伙计:Bloke: 男人,伙计(fella)家伙据世界日报记者陈元诚 温哥华专访报道 ,前西门菲沙大学(SFU)口笔译课程主任徐晓慧以她多年的教书经验及观察,认为华人常见的英语学习问题,在于没有正确的心态、僵化的学习方式,以及没有了解支撑语言背后的文化.
2. <俚>伙伴,伙计,小伙子:as chaste as ice 像冰一样坚贞 | fella <俚>伙伴,伙计,小伙子 | tame embedding 驯顺嵌入
3. 那么 我和你提过的 伙计:Let's do what we do, brother. Hey, Merrilee.|让我们做该做的... | - Brian. - Now, I've told you, fella...|- Brian - 那么 我和你提过的 伙计... | ... from here on out, it's strictly Mom and Dad.|... 从现在...
4. 小伙子,伙计,亲昵的称呼:62. Pep 活力 | 63.fella小伙子,伙计,亲昵的称呼 | 64. toad 癞蛤蟆,讨厌的人
1. fella
1. While some women may enjoy the taste of scotch as much as the next fella, most would prefer a pretty looking drink that tingles the sweet tooth.
2. fella
2. " Me and the Big Fella are trying to get to Dallas together now, " McGrady told Florida Today.