1. 感觉:这样,音乐家感觉(feels)数学,数学家思考(thinks)音乐.凯利和西尔维斯特的大部分工作被天才的法国数学家埃尔米特(Charles Hermite)继续并扩展,他在代数和分析两方面都做出了杰出的贡献.埃尔米特1822年出生于洛林的迪厄泽(Dieuze),
2. (她感到阴部发痒. ):She?has?some?bleeding?after?intercourse.?(性交后有出血... | She?feels?some?vaginal?itching.?(她感到阴部发痒. )? | She?has?painful?periods?and?abnormal?vaginal?discharge.?(她月经来时疼痛,而且阴道有不正常...
3. 供油電腦:Mugen全段排氣管 | Feels供油電腦 | Trust機油冷卻器
4. 你的手摸起来很冷:196. workout. 你须要去活动锤炼一下. | 197. feels 你的手摸起来很冷. . | 198. childish. 别这么孩子气.
1. Robots currently being used in households are reliant on button pushing, but Schulz feels this must be carried further so communication becomes more natural.
2. feels的解释
2. If we aren't by definition in a recession, it surely feels like one.
3. feels是什么意思
3. Afflicted by the lingering side effects of using steroid she even feels worn out when doing nothing.
4. The woman has been suffering from rectal cancer since last May and she feels that her condition will get worse.
5. At first I use my feet just as much as the cane to navigate my way through what to me feels like a labyrinth.
6. Rooney has scored 28 goals this season and club captain Gary Neville feels the England striker can deal with the extra attention coming his way.
7. She said she feels carefree and enjoys shopping, getting facials and sipping tea with friends during her spare time.
8. Now she does not usually have pain although sometimes if she lifts something heavy, she feels a twinge so knows to be more careful.
9. feels在线翻译
9. The carpenter said he felt lucky a week ago and now feels a little bit luckier.
10. feels在线翻译
10. The actress - who wed husband Ashton Kutcher in 2005 - says she feels great about herself because her actor spouse loves her so much.