名词多产; 富饶; 肥沃; <动>产卵力
1. 繁殖力:2、繁殖力(fecundity) 在一个繁殖季节中,水产动物一雌体或一种群雌体产卵的数量. 可分为个体繁殖力(individual fecundity)、种群繁殖力(population fecundity). 3、受精率(fertilization rate) 胚胎发育至高囊胚期时(有的以胚胎尾芽期时计算),
2. 繁殖能力:哺乳类称为一胎产仔数(litter size)此外,繁殖能力(fecundity)是指每一雌体可能生产的最大卵(子)数. (很少指雄体的精子生产数). 在昆虫中称藏卵数,鱼类称怀卵数或抱卵数.
3. 生育力:415 法西斯主义 Fascism | 416 生育力 Fecundity | 417 人口出生率 Fertibity
4. 生育能力:fertility 生育率 | fecundity 生育能力 | birth rate, natality rate 出生率
1. The little boys are a symbol of fecundity, expressing the wish that the family will have sons and a rich progeny.
2. Our parents have tasted hunger and know how blessed we are to be living in an age of fecundity.
1. the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth
Synonym: fruitfulness
2. the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination
Synonym: fruitfulness
3. the state of being fertile
capable of producing offspring
Synonym: fertility