
fear [fɪə(r)]  [fɪr] 





fear 基本解释


名词害怕; 可能性; (对神等的)敬畏; 忧虑

及物动词害怕; 畏惧; 为…忧虑(或担心、焦虑); 敬畏(神等)

不及物动词害怕; 惧怕; 忧虑; 感到害怕

fear 同义词



名词dread fright

fear 反义词


名词calmness fearlessness boldness courage

fear 相关词组


1. without fear or favour : 公正地, 公平地;

2. I fear : 恐怕, 怕是;

fear 相关例句


1. I fear I do not know the answer to that.

2. I fear that you'll be late if you don't go now.


1. She feared for her daughter's safety.


1. There is not much fear of that.

2. There is no fear of his losing his way.

3. There is no fear of his getting any injury.

fear 网络解释

1. 担心:他们知道自己国家的经济方面的竞争力(competitive)强,可以从自由贸易(liberalization)中获得最大利益(profit),而发展中(developing)国家担心(fear)自己的经济会遭到西方强势(superior)生产力的淹没(swamp).

fear 词典解释

1. fear

1. 恐惧;惧怕
    Fear is the unpleasant feeling you have when you think that you are in danger.

    e.g. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.
    e.g. ...boyhood memories of sickness and fear of the dark...

2. 害怕;惧怕
    If you fear someone or something, you are frightened because you think that they will harm you.

    e.g. Many people fear change because they do not like the old ways to be disrupted.

3. 担心;担忧;忧心
    A fear is a thought that something unpleasant might happen or might have happened.

    e.g. These youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure...
    e.g. Then one day his worst fears were confirmed...

4. 担心;担忧;忧虑
    If you fear something unpleasant or undesirable, you are worried that it might happen or might have happened.

    e.g. She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis...
    e.g. More than two million refugees have fled the area, fearing attack by loyalist forces.

5. (坏事发生的)可能性,机会,几率
    If you say that there is a fear that something unpleasant or undesirable will happen, you mean that you think it is possible or likely.

    e.g. There was no fear that anything would be misunderstood...
    e.g. There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.

6. (替…)担心;(为…)担忧
    If you fear for someone or something, you are very worried because you think that they might be in danger.

    e.g. Carla fears for her son...
    e.g. He fled on Friday, saying he feared for his life.

7. 担心;担忧
    If you have fears for someone or something, you are very worried because you think that they might be in danger.

    e.g. He also spoke of his fears for the future of his country's culture.
    e.g. ...fear for her own safety.

8. 害怕做;不愿做
    If you fear to do something, you are afraid to do it or you do not wish to do it.

    e.g. She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news...
    e.g. Old people fear to leave their homes.

9. fear的意思

9. 恐怕
    You say that you fear that a situation is the case when the situation is unpleasant or undesirable, and when you want to express sympathy, sorrow, or regret about it.

    e.g. I fear that a land war now looks very probable...
    e.g. 'Is anything left at all?' — 'I fear not.'
           “留下什么东西了吗?” ——“恐怕没有。”

10. 在对…的担心之中;在对…的恐惧之中
    If you are in fear of doing or experiencing something unpleasant or undesirable, you are very worried that you might have to do it or experience it.

    e.g. The elderly live in fear of assault and murder.

11. 以免;免得
      If you take a particular course of action for fear of something, you take the action in order to prevent that thing happening.

      e.g. She was afraid to say anything to them for fear of hurting their feelings...
      e.g. No one dared shoot for fear of hitting Pete.

12. 别担心;不用怕
      You say 'fear not' or 'never fear' to someone when you are telling them not to worry or be frightened.

      e.g. Fear not, Darlene will protect me...
      e.g. You'll get the right training, never fear.

13. fear是什么意思

13. 绝对不;当然不
      You use 'no fear' to emphasize that you do not want to do something.

      e.g. When I asked him if he wanted to change his mind, William said 'No fear.'

14. fear的近义词

14. 故意吓唬;故意使…担心
      If someone or something puts the fear of God into you, they frighten or worry you, often deliberately.

      e.g. At some time or other Eve had obviously put the fear of God into her.

fear 单语例句

1. fear

1. Others buy gold out of fear the money created as the US props up its banking system will lead to inflation.

2. Investment success can depend upon catching the right idea at the right time, or by acting boldly when others are cowering in fear.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. In addition to the fear of cadmium poisoning, fishermen close to the polluted stretch of the river are suffering economically.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Jia said the high rate of caesarean births in the capital is partly due to the fear of pain among many young pregnant women.

5. The continuing fear that another calamitous terrorist attack is not out of the question.

6. fear什么意思

6. She said she did not call the number Tse had given to her for fear of retaliation if Mendoza discovered Tse's phone.

7. fear的意思

7. Many US companies have been reluctant to publicly call for WTO cases against China out of fear that could suffer retaliation from Beijing.

8. fear

8. But some fear that Bustamante's candidacy could lead more people to vote yes on the recall and hand the governor's office to the Republicans.

9. They fear their children have been poisoned by food at the school canteen or by snacks from the school tuck shop.

10. Fear of contracting bird flu, even though no case of the deadly disease has been reported in the capital.

fear 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)

    Synonym: fearfulness fright

2. fear的反义词

2. a feeling of profound respect for someone or something

    e.g. the fear of God
           the Chinese reverence for the dead
           the French treat food with gentle reverence
           his respect for the law bordered on veneration

    Synonym: reverence awe veneration

3. fear的解释

3. an anxious feeling

    e.g. care had aged him
           they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction

    Synonym: concern care


1. regard with feelings of respect and reverence
    consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of

    e.g. Fear God as your father
           We venerate genius

    Synonym: reverence revere venerate

2. be afraid or scared of
    be frightened of

    e.g. I fear the winters in Moscow
           We should not fear the Communists!

    Synonym: dread

3. be uneasy or apprehensive about

    e.g. I fear the results of the final exams

4. be sorry
    used to introduce an unpleasant statement

    e.g. I fear I won't make it to your wedding party

5. be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event

    e.g. I fear she might get aggressive
