1. 脂肪组织:(二)脂肪组织(Fatty tissue) 皮下脂肪及体内层状分布的脂肪均呈低水平回声(图 肪与筋膜之间可有强回声. 在某些解剖结构中混杂有脂肪组 织时,其间的脂肪可为强回声.图 1-3-1 皮肤声像图 (三)纤维组织(Fibro-tissue) 因为体内纤维组织多与其他组织交错分布,
2. 脂肪状组织:exquisite anti-jamming ability 极好的反干扰能力 | fatty tissue 脂肪状组织 | fight off 击退,竭力避免
1. And what she was particularly happy about was that she looked much slimmer after liposuction, a medical procedure designed for the permanent removal of fatty tissue.
2. They can accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms becoming toxic to humans and wildlife.
3. A woman's body contains less water and more fatty tissue - which increases alcohol absorption - compared to a male body.
1. a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy
it also cushions and insulates vital organs
e.g. fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold
Synonym: adipose tissue fat