
fatalism [ˈfeɪtəlɪzəm]  [ˈfetlˌɪzəm] 

fatalism 基本解释


名词宿命论; 天数

fatalism 网络解释


1. 宿命:Buss认为有两种常见的取向会在解释压力的意义时发挥作用:公平(Justic)取向和宿命(fatalism)取向. 公平取向强调控制和自主,认为世界是符合逻辑的,目标、努力和结果之间存在必然的因应关系,只要努力就能成功.

2. 宿命主义:但他很谨慎的避免宿命主义(fatalism). 他说历史大部分是基于人类意思的. 他较他以前的一切人与进步的观念愈益接近. 我们若把他那占星术的与Pythagoras派的冥想,并那些不足以累其学说的神学的插句,排除净尽,他的著作,

3. 命定論:Fascism 法西斯主義 | Fatalism 命定論 | Fideism 信心論

fatalism 词典解释

1. 宿命感;宿命论;宿命情绪
    Fatalism is a feeling that you cannot control events or prevent unpleasant things from happening, especially when this feeling stops you from making decisions or making an effort.

    e.g. There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals.

fatalism 单语例句

1. Passion and yearning infused his expansive interpretation, along with a sense of fatalism.

2. If his love songs have a tinge of fatalism, they fit his voice perfectly.

fatalism 英英释义


1. a philosophical doctrine holding that all events are predetermined in advance for all time and human beings are powerless to change them

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2. a submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable
