1. 禁食:每当谈及伟大的修道者,即那些因着他们众多属灵恩赐而倍受尊崇的修女和修士们,教会的赞美诗告诉我们,他们是靠着跟从和遵守三种操练(disciplines)而领受这些恩赐的:禁食(fasting)、警醒(vigilance)和祈祷(prayer).
2. 绝食:另一种不合作形式是绝食(fasting)--除了水或果汁以外不吃任何食物或液体. 绝食会很不舒服而且最后会有危险,而禁食所有食物和液体非常危险,几乎立刻就有危险. 一个人不喝任何液体,在招致脑损伤和严重脱水之前最长有五六天的时间.
3. 斋戒:40天有一个大斋期称为四月斋( Lent ).是从基督教的圣灰星期三( Ash Wednesday )起至复活节前一天为止的40天.这主要是为了纪念耶酥在荒野禁食()40天而绝食或忏悔.大斋期为信徒们提供了一赎罪(penance).斋戒(fasting).自制(self-
4. 空腹:在测试前3天不得服用补充营养剂.后来的测试可以在孩子正常饮食加上营养补充的情况下进行.更多的信息可以通过24小时的尿氨基酸分析中获得,但是从大多ASD儿童收集24小时的尿非常困难,所以我通常选用空腹(fasting)血浆分析.血浆脂肪酸测试能够体内储存的30多种不同的脂肪酸,
1. The suspension was to take effect early today, while Pakistanis are to start the requisite daytime fasting tomorrow.
2. Even as Hazare was fasting, four politicians were charged with buying and selling votes in parliament.
3. A Russian man on Monday claimed to have set a new world record for fasting.
4. fasting的意思
4. The month long festival is marked by a month long fasting especially by women for the sake of family welfare or getting a good husband.
5. fasting
5. If they injected fasting pythons with that mixture, those snakes'hearts grew the same way that a fed python's does.
6. Muslims worldwide thronged mosques, cafes and parks in a solemn and joyful end to the fasting month of Ramadan.
7. The strong economic links with one of the world's fasting growing economies and vast population are promising for huge market potentials.
8. fasting的近义词
8. The latest assaults came just days before Muslims from both sects celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.
9. The poisoning occurred during the religious period of Ramadan, when Muslims eat in large groups at night after fasting during the day.
10. It said Muslims had often fought wars during the fasting month or on days sacred to other faiths.