
farmhouse [ˈfɑ:mhaʊs]  [ˈfɑ:rmhaʊs] 


farmhouse 基本解释


farmhouse 网络解释

1. 粮食农庄:1:农庄 包括粮食农庄(Farmhouse)和大麻农庄(HempFarm),粮食农庄周围可以种植除了大麻以外的所有农作物,大麻农庄周围只能种植大麻. (由于各种农作物的耕种季节不一样,所有如果一个粮食农庄只耕种一种农作物在闲季就会造成劳力浪费,

2. 天純:鷹嘜 Eagle Brand | 天純 Farmhouse | 芝司樂 Chesdale

3. 居住环境:居住环境:apartment, town, house, farmhouse, countryside, city, yard | 常考词汇:quiet, neighbor, museum, restaurant, piano, really, child, children, traffic, cost | 1. live in 住在...

farmhouse 词典解释

1. farmhouse的近义词

1. 农舍;农场住宅
    A farmhouse is the main house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives.

farmhouse 单语例句

1. Even the idea of " farmhouse meals " has come under question.

2. The teacher and another adult at the school fled to a farmhouse nearby, and someone there called 911 to report a gunman holding students hostage.

3. Another option is to stay in a farmhouse 30 minutes'walk downslope, along the path that meanders down to the road.

4. farmhouse在线翻译

4. She lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into a son's home and later to the Shelbyville nursing home.

5. The couple rent a whitewashed farmhouse close to a private beach, and away from snooping camera lenses.

6. farmhouse的意思

6. Some developers place all their emphasis on farmhouse meals, thus spending too much time on food instead of innovative entertainment.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. The explosion tore down all seven workshops of the company, which was only 500 meters from the nearest farmhouse of Yilong village.


8. She walked nearly a quarter of a mile through a foot of snow before coming across a farmhouse.

9. As we drive along a country road, we can see many buggies in a line near a farmhouse.

10. Newman died on Friday at his farmhouse near Westport following a long battle with cancer, publicist Jeff Sanderson said.

farmhouse 英英释义



1. house for a farmer and family
