
fancied ['fænsɪd]  ['fænsɪd] 








fancied 基本解释



fancied 网络解释

1. 空想的:fanback 扇形靠背的 | fancied 空想的 | fancier 空想家

2. 想象出的;被喜爱的:fanatical 狂热的 | fancied 想象出的;被喜爱的 | fancy 华丽的;想象出的;昂贵的

3. 空想的/虚构的:fanaticism /狂热/盲信/ | fancied /空想的/虚构的/ | fancier /爱好者/

fancied 单语例句

1. I learned that I could order " samples " of 40 pages in any book I fancied and if I wasn't really interested I could delete it.

2. Xiao Fang had always fancied a Rhett Butler type, but unfortunately she is usually approached by Ashley wannabes.

3. The Tigers showed some flashes of good shooting and passing but their efforts against larger and more fancied opponents were mostly in vain.

4. fancied

4. This year the big shock was the omission of leading authors and hotly fancied contenders like Peter Carey and David Mitchell.

5. Shanghai has long fancied famous tenors and will likely pay the high ticket prices for another soaring Nessun Dorma.

6. fancied的反义词

6. All the fancied teams have won and none of those making their World Cup debuts have managed victories yet.

7. About 38 percent said they resorted to robbery or theft because of financial difficulties, and 17 percent because they " fancied getting rich overnight ".

8. Selby was well fancied to go one better after lifting the Wales Open and winning the Masters on his Wembley debut this season.

9. Even if the fancied Brazilians lose to Denmark by one or two goals, they will most likely still finish top of the group.

10. Sales of less fancied spirits and wines are up but supplies are running low.

fancied 英英释义


1. formed or conceived by the imagination

    e.g. a fabricated excuse for his absence
           a fancied wrong
           a fictional character

    Synonym: fabricated fictional fictitious
