
famous [ˈfeɪməs]  [ˈfeməs] 

比较级:more famous

最高级:most famous

famous 基本解释

形容词著名的,出名的; 〈古〉一流的,极好的

famous 同义词


形容词noted famed celebrated renowned illustrious

famous 反义词

形容词obscure unknown nameless anonymous

famous 相关例句



1. The actor gave a famous performance.

2. This town is famous for its beautiful buildings.

3. He is a very famous writer in this country.

4. The city is famous for its silk.

famous 情景对话



A:Wow, this is the famous Empire State Building.

B:It’s huge.

A:Would you like to go to the top?

B:Yes, of course.

A:The view is breathtaking.

B:It makes me dizzy.


A:Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter?

B:Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.

A:They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard.

B:That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.

A:They might be too hot for me.

B:Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.

A:What about any special Beijing dishes?

B:There’s the Beijing roast duck.

A:Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’d like very much to try it. Where can I find it?

B:You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant.

A:Is it near here?

B:Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.
      不太近也不算远。乘出租车15 分钟能到。我是说,要是堵车不厉害的话。

A:Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again?

B:Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver.

A:That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

B:You’re welcome.

famous 网络解释

1. 著名的:***一些著名的(Famous)流行乐团(Band)都源于英国,如U2、甲壳虫(又译披头士Beatles)等. 甲壳虫(又译披头士Beatles)乐队流行音乐界历史上最伟大(greatest),最有影响力(influence),拥有最多歌迷(fans),最为成功(successful)的乐队.

2. 有名的:等级28以上最大体力减少8,冰箭等级A以上str减少10 有光泽的(Gloss) 装饰品 最大生命力+5,luck+5,dex+5,int+5 9级释放卷轴 奢侈的(Luxury) 装饰品 dex+5,最大生命力+7,luck+15,will-5 有名的(Famous) 装饰品 等级20以上str-11,

3. 著名:NARS最着名(Famous)的腮红ORGASM2、NARS最着名(Famous)的腮红ORGASM这一款腮红质地特别细致,特别质感的透明成分(Components)浮滑不厚重,妆感最自然. 带有奇特的粉红色光底,上色之后展现含蓄的金色光明,不会夸大也不会突兀,

famous 词典解释

1. 著名的;有名的
    Someone or something that is famous is very well known.

    e.g. New Orleans is famous for its cuisine.
    e.g. ...England's most famous landscape artist, John Constable.

A famous person or thing is known to more people than a well-known one. A notorious person or thing is famous because they are connected with something bad or undesirable. Infamous is not the opposite of famous. It has a similar meaning to notorious, but is a stronger word. Someone or something that is notable is important or interesting.
famous 比 well-known 表示的知名度更高,notorious 则表示得名于某种坏事或令人厌恶之事。infamous 不是 famous 的反义词,它与 notorious 词义相近,但比 notorious 语气更强。notable 则指重要的或有趣的。
famous 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Lu reminded companies intending to take advantage of famous copyrights that all market players should observe business ethics.

2. Hunchun is about eight hours drive from her hometown and is famous for border business.

3. The famous chafing dish restaurant street in downtown Chengdu's Yulin District still sees prospering business on Tuesday night.

4. The most famous food centers in Nanjing are at the Confucius Temple and Hunan Lu, and these bustle with visitors everyday.

5. The dining rooms on the three floors overlook one of Tokyo's most famous parks and is an oasis in the center of the bustling city.

6. But what if you're famous and have thousands, if not millions of virtual followers?

7. There is a rumor that she has insured her buttocks, which have been called the world's most famous butt.

8. The donation fervor has also caused a local shortage of Tibetan tea bricks, an essential ingredient for the famous Tibetan yak butter tea.

9. Famous Italian brands like Freddy will bring their latest designs and fans can also buy the Italian national team costume as worn by Olympic competitors.

10. famous

10. As a famous water town in the south of China, traveling to Zhouzhuang by boat is a popular choice.

famous 英英释义


1. widely known and esteemed

    e.g. a famous actor
           a celebrated musician
           a famed scientist
           an illustrious judge
           a notable historian
           a renowned painter

    Synonym: celebrated famed far-famed illustrious notable noted renowned
