
fallible [ˈfæləbl]  [ˈfæləbəl] 

fallible 基本解释



fallible 相关例句



1. Everybody is fallible.

2. All men are fallible.

fallible 网络解释

1. 易错的:7、谬误 falsehood | 8、易错的 fallible | 9、骗子 swindler

2. 易犯错误的:Anthropological:人类学的 | Fallible:易犯错误的 | Fallacy:谬论

3. 容易犯错误的:9. incorrigible 根深蒂固的 | 10. fallible 容易犯错误的 | 11. negligible 微不足道的

4. 易错的,可能犯错的:combination: 组合 | fallible: 易错的;可能犯错的 | scour: 快速搜索

fallible 词典解释

1. 可能出错的;会犯错的
    If you say that someone or something is fallible, you mean that they are not perfect and are likely to make mistakes or to fail in what they are doing.

    e.g. They are only human and all too fallible...
    e.g. The system has proved fallible time after time...

Errors may have been made due to human fallibility...
The fallibility of science is one of the great betrayals of our times.
fallible 单语例句

1. fallible什么意思

1. The IPCC is as fallible as the human beings that comprise it.

2. fallible

2. There are many variables and at the heart of the matter is the fallible human being.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Everybody is fallible and can be corrupt when the power in his or her hands is under no effective supervision.

fallible 英英释义


1. likely to fail or make errors

    e.g. everyone is fallible to some degree

2. fallible

2. wanting in moral strength, courage, or will
    having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings

    e.g. I'm only a fallible human
           frail humanity

    Synonym: frail imperfect weak
