fall in a faint

fall in a faint

fall in a faint 双语例句

1. Doug carefully moves downward while gradually releasing the string wound on her. She, then, has eventually been close to the sword and stretches her hand toward it. However, she can`t reach it by a little bit difference so she forcefully leaps forward. Yet, a sudden quake drives her to collide with the rocky wall and almost makes her faint. Doug shakes her dizzy head then looks forward again. As she finds the sword is nearly off the edge of the extension, she desperately leaps toward the aword once more. This moment, a little rock drops on the sword so the sword instantly falls from the extension. Doug exerts to stretch her arm and grips the handle of sword. But, since she has already been lifted barely by the steel string and the string was not tied up well in a hurry, it suddenly looses under forceful dragging then Doug begins to fall down!

2. In the last meeting, he fall in a faint and never come back.

fall in a faint

3. She almost fall in a faint when heared the news.

4. Fall in a faint right away after opposing the code there being string behind the work translating others, on computer table

5. Because his wound is not concrescence well, Jerry fall in a faint in the lane and rescue by a old man who is working all his life, and tell him about himself suffering whole life!

6. Have a place to fall in a faint in the field when the old people crosses a street, one passerby delivers him to the hospital being located in nearby urgently.
    Task 2有位老人穿过马路时晕倒在地,一位过路人把他急送到位于附近的医院。

7. I nearly fall in a faint for a strong smell of purfume with smoke of cigarette. Tobacco addicts always consider scent as deodorizer.

8. In his escape way, because of wound he fall in a faint, and rescue by a bit girl, in the girl father`s conversation he know human are killing the money very cruelly, Jerry is surrender to the law by Girl`s father`s persauved!

9. Fall in a faint right away after opposing the code there being string behind the work translating others, on computer table.
