fall asleep

fall asleep [fɔ:l əˈsli:p]  [fɔl əˈslip] 

fall asleep 基本解释

动词睡着; 入睡

fall asleep 网络解释

fall asleep是什么意思

1. 睡觉:根据常识,人感到疲劳(tired)了,于就是睡觉(fall asleep),注意其中的 and 表因果关系,所以第 8 空选 B. 同时还是根据常识,人疲劳后晚上睡上一觉,第二天起来又会充满活力(lively),所以第 9 空选 C.

2. 入睡:35. stop...from doing sth. 阻止......干某事 | 36. fall asleep 入睡 | 37. again and again再三地,反复地

3. 睡着:6.带某人出去take sb out to do | 7.睡着fall asleep | 8.半途中half way

4. 入睡,睡着:fall v. 落下;跌倒;n. (美语)秋季;落下;跌倒 | fall asleep 入睡,睡着 | fall ill 得病

fall asleep 单语例句

1. fall asleep的意思

1. Chen's wife cried every day after their second daughter's death, and could only fall asleep at night with her daughter's doll in her arms.

2. He couldn't fall asleep until about 6 am and then would only grab about three hours of shuteye.

3. fall asleep的近义词

3. He said the sleepovers weren't planned and that he and others would just fall asleep when they were tired.

4. I didn't fall asleep even at night, fascinated by a little mouse eating the food remains on my table.

5. " The only important thing is that the players don't fall asleep on the pitch, " he added with a wry smile.

6. fall asleep的翻译

6. It must remind the new guy of the basic requirements, such as to never fall asleep at work.

7. fall asleep

7. With the boat rocking and birds crooning a lullaby to us, it is easy to fall asleep.

8. He said he was so excited after thinking of the concept that he " could not fall asleep at night ".

9. Lying on your soft bed, you fall asleep with crickets singing outside your window.

10. The more activity a child did, the less time it took him to fall asleep.

fall asleep 英英释义

fall asleep


1. change from a waking to a sleeping state

    e.g. he always falls asleep during lectures

    Synonym: dope off flake out drift off nod off drop off doze off drowse off
