
fakes ['feɪks]  ['feɪks] 




fakes 基本解释
赝品;骗子( fake的名词复数 );
fakes 网络解释


1. 假的:So many dead for such small trinkets.|为这个小东西 死了那么多人 | Fakes!|假的! | Find the woman and child...|把那女人和孩子找出来

2. 云母板状岩:云母板岩 mica-slate | 云母板状岩 fakes | 云母层 mica book

3. 赝品:Writing书写 | Fakes赝品 | Ruin毁灭

4. (欺敌的建筑物):; anti-personnel mine (反人员地雷) | ; fakes (欺敌的建筑物) | ; Anim = 开火效果动画

fakes 单语例句

1. " The cash detector in the store failed to detect the fakes, " a judge surnamed Fu told China Daily.

2. fakes

2. The organization has helped open an effective channel between China's central and local governments and foreign enterprises for improving ways to fight fakes.

3. fakes的翻译

3. All I want to say is that fakes are giving China a bad name, something that it can certainly do without.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. It is unfair to ask every citizen to become an expert able to discern all the fakes and frauds out on the market by themselves.

5. If the British public is increasingly turning to fakes, it is because we have finally woken up to the extent of this con.

6. Arnault said that despite widespread copying, there was no danger that consumers would confuse the fakes with the real thing.

7. Several thousand bottles of counterfeit blood protein were discovered at hospitals and pharmacies, and state media have said one person died from use of the fakes.

8. fakes

8. Zhang said more than half of the fakes are produced in and seized in Guangdong, a province that has long been a hotbed of counterfeit money.

9. Tickets for the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be embedded with a wireless memory chip and printed with specialty ink in a bid to curb fakes.

10. Bu sometimes, he just returns the fakes without asking for a return of the amount paid.
