
fairy [ˈfeəri]  [ˈferi] 



fairy 基本解释

名词仙女; 小仙子; 小精灵

形容词美丽的,可爱的; 仙女似的

fairy 相关例句


1. Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper.


1. To him she is a fairy.

fairy 网络解释

1. 仙女:霸主将自动使用所有种子使者所拥有的技能,攻击敌人 仙女(Fairy) 一级技能:1.精灵召唤(Sprite's Call) 使在仙女身旁阵亡的己方单位有25%的几率死后释放一个精灵 2.幻影分身(Illusion) 制造一个同目标一样的幻影,

2. 妖精:我在国外的警察通报上还看见一个case,是个连UK警方都以为是真实的事件,在英国有人发现了妖精(Fairy)残骸,是在德贝郡(Derbyshire)的一个农村所发现的,又叫蝴蝶人或butterfly精灵,提供这个遗骸是由一位不愿具名的当地人,

fairy 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 仙人;小精灵
    A fairy is an imaginary creature with magical powers. Fairies are often represented as small people with wings.

2. 兔子(指男同性恋者)
    If someone describes a man as a fairy, they mean that he is a homosexual and they disapprove of this.

fairy 单语例句

1. Every single episode of the show will pop up on your screen faster than the fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a carriage for Cinderella.

2. Through a composition of two fairy tales, " Celestial Human World " probes the theme of human nature.

3. He is the key character in the traditional Chinese fairy tale " Journey to the West " and is regarded as a creature of integrity.

4. This charming fairy tale is considered by many to be a revolutionary work after its 1832 performances in Paris.

5. fairy在线翻译

5. Temples are still chiselled into sheer cliffs and tour guides still point out rock formations named after fairy ladies and animals.

6. The Seventh Fairy and the Prince often play another sides of Dong Yong and Cinderella.

7. The government is now taking positive steps to coax the confidence fairy out of her hiding.

8. fairy的解释

8. They admire her stalwart demeanor, her elegant hats and the fairy tale fantasy her life represents.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. Huangmei Opera is known for being lyrical and lively, which can well convey the fairy princess's happiness of going home together with her husband.

10. From a shoeshine boy with only five years'schooling to the president of Brazil, the life of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reads like a fairy tale.

fairy 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers

    Synonym: faery faerie fay sprite

2. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

    Synonym: fagot faggot fag nance pansy queen queer poof poove pouf
