1. 抽纱品 | 抽纱法:cape collar 披肩领 | fagoting 抽纱品 | 抽纱法 | draw-string neck 抽带领
2. 柴捆覆面:fading of settlements 沉陷衰减 | fagoting 柴捆覆面 | faience tile 釉陶面砖
3. 抽纱法:fagot 柴把 | fagoting 抽纱法 | fahlband 黝矿带
4. 抽纱:布匹頭尾端 fag-end | 抽紗 fagoting | 連綴縫 fagot-stitch
1. Started another scarf in a stitch pattern called fagoting, but I'm not liking...
开始了一个新的丝巾在针格局所谓fagoting ,但我不喜欢。。。
1. embroidery in which groups of parallel threads are tied together with fagot stitches
Synonym: faggoting