
faded ['feɪdɪd]  ['feɪdɪd] 





faded 基本解释


动词(使)褪去( fade的过去式和过去分词 ); 逐渐消逝; 逐渐消失; (运动员、运动队、演员等)走下坡路

faded 网络解释


1. 已褪色的:fadeaway 消退 | faded 已褪色的 | fadein 渐明

2. 已凋谢的:fadeawaysubsidise 消退 | faded 已凋谢的 | faded 已褪色的

3. 褪色的:Stuffy沉闷的 | Faded褪色的 | Gregarious合群的

4. 味道衰退:dry 干涩口感 | faded 味道衰退 | fatter 脂感更高

faded 单语例句

1. He works comfortably in camouflage trousers that are faded with repeat washings.

2. He works comfortably in camouflage trousers that are faded with repeated washings.

3. This driving force has not faded away till now although its growth momentum has been checked after the policies for curbing inflation are carried out.

4. But as the league got younger and that line between sport and entertainment faded, players started looking more shabby than chic.

5. It gradually grew a cockscomb, rooster's legs and other rooster's features as the hen's features faded.

6. A covered walkway with Victorian floral patterned walls in flaking gold leaf is a picture of faded colonial elegance.

7. But after an exhilarating start the Portuguese faded and scrambled to hang on under mounting pressure from their former colony.

8. Although the ideological colours in the relationship between the EU and China have faded significantly, the EU still harbours political prejudice against China on some matters.

9. The optimism faded away the next day when Li took to the ice rink as the ninth contestant.

10. But China's growth moderated over the course of 2010 with domestic demand cooling gradually as stimulus faded and the monetary stance tightened.

faded 英英释义


1. having lost freshness or brilliance of color

    e.g. sun-bleached deck chairs
           faded jeans
           a very pale washed-out blue
           washy colors

    Synonym: bleached washed-out washy

2. reduced in strength

    e.g. the faded tones of an old recording

    Synonym: attenuate attenuated weakened
